Missed Approach
Exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with performing a missed approach procedure solely by reference to instruments.
Elements related to missed approach procedures and limitations associated with standard instrument approaches, including while using an FMS or autopilot, if equipped.
Risk Management
Identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
Failure to follow prescribed procedures.
Holding, diverting, or electing to fly the approach again.
Failure to ensure proper airplane configuration during an approach and missed approach.
Factors that might lead to executing a missed approach procedure before the missed approach point or to a go-around below DA/MDA.
Failure to manage automated navigation and autoflight systems.
Promptly initiate the missed approach procedure and report it to ATC.
Apply the appropriate power setting for the flight condition and establish a pitch attitude necessary to obtain the desired performance.
Configure the airplane in accordance with airplane manufacturer’s instructions, establish a positive rate of climb, and accelerate to the appropriate airspeed, ±10 knots.
Follow the recommended checklist items appropriate to the missed approach/go-around procedure.
Comply with the published or alternate missed approach procedure.
Advise ATC if unable to comply with a clearance, restriction, or climb gradient.
Maintain the heading, course, or bearing ±10°; and altitude(s) ±100 feet during the missed approach procedure.
Use an MFD and other graphical navigation displays, if installed, to monitor position and track to help navigate the missed approach.
Demonstrate SRM or CRM, as appropriate.
Request ATC clearance to attempt another approach, proceed to the alternate airport, holding fix, or other clearance limit, as appropriate.