Circling Approach

0 Points

Exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with performing a circling approach procedure.

Elements related to circling approach procedures and limitations including approach categories and related airspeed restrictions.

Risk Management
Identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
Failure to follow prescribed circling approach procedures.
Executing a circling approach at night or with marginal visibility.
Losing visual contact with an identifiable part of the airport.
Failure to manage automated navigation and autoflight systems.
Failure to maintain an appropriate altitude, airspeed, or distance while circling.
Low altitude maneuvering including stall, spin, or CFIT.
Executing an improper missed approach after the MAP while circling.

Comply with the circling approach procedure considering turbulence, windshear, and the maneuvering capability and approach category of the aircraft.
Confirm the direction of traffic and adhere to all restrictions and instructions issued by ATC
Demonstrate SRM.
Establish the approach and landing configuration. Maintain a stabilized approach and a descent rate that ensures arrival at the MDA, or the preselected circling altitude above the MDA, prior to the missed approach point.
Maintain airspeed ±10 knots, desired heading/track ±10°, and altitude +100/-0 feet until descending below the MDA or the preselected circling altitude above the MDA.
Visually maneuver to a base or downwind leg appropriate for the landing runway and environmental conditions.
If a missed approach occurs, turn in the appropriate direction using the correct procedure and appropriately configure the airplane.
If landing, initiate a stabilized descent. Touch down on the first one-third of the selected runway without excessive maneuvering, without exceeding the normal operating limits of the airplane, and without exceeding 30° of bank.