Precision Approach
Exhibits satisfactory knowledge, risk management, and skills associated with performing precision approach procedures solely by reference to instruments.
Procedures and limitations associated with a precision approach, including determining required descent rates and adjusting minimums in the case of inoperative equipment.
Navigation system displays, annunciations, and modes of operation.
Ground-based and satellite-based navigation (orientation, course determination, equipment, tests and regulations, interference, appropriate use of navigation data, signal integrity)
A stabilized approach, to include energy management concepts
Risk Management
Identify, assess and mitigate risks, encompassing:
Failure to follow the correct approach procedure (e.g. descending below the glideslope, etc.).
Selecting an incorrect navigation frequency.
Failure to manage automated navigation and autoflight systems.
Failure to ensure proper airplane configuration during an approach and missed approach.
An unstable approach including excessive descent rates.
Deteriorating weather conditions on approach.
Continuing to descend below the Decision Altitude (DA)/Decision Height (DH) when the required visual references are not visible.
Accomplish the precision instrument approach(es)
Establish two-way communications with ATC appropriate for the phase of flight or approach segment, and use proper communication phraseology.
Select, tune, identify, and confirm the operational status of navigation equipment to be used for the approach.
Comply with all clearances issued by ATC
Recognize if any flight instrumentation is inaccurate or inoperative, and take appropriate action.
Advise ATC if unable to comply with a clearance.
Complete the appropriate checklist.
Establish the appropriate airplane configuration and airspeed considering turbulence and windshear.
Maintain altitude ±100 feet, selected heading ±10°, airspeed ±10 knots, and accurately track radials, courses, and bearings, prior to beginning the final approach segment.
Adjust the published DA/DH and visibility criteria for the aircraft approach category, as appropriate, to account for NOTAMs, Inoperative airplane or navigation equipment, or inoperative visual aids associated with the landing environment.
Establish a predetermined rate of descent at the point where vertical guidance begins, which approximates that required for the airplane to follow the vertical guidance.
Maintain a stabilized final approach from the Final Approach Fix (FAF) to DA/DH allowing no more than ¾-scale deflection of either the vertical or lateral guidance indications and maintain the desired airspeed ±10 knots.
Immediately initiate the missed approach procedure when at the DA/DH, and the required visual references for the runway are not unmistakably visible and identifiable.
Transition to a normal landing approach only when the airplane is in a position from which a descent to a landing on the runway can be made at a normal rate of descent using normal maneuvering.
Maintain a stabilized visual flight path from the DA/DH to the runway aiming point where a normal landing may be accomplished within the touchdown zone.
Use an MFD and other graphical navigation displays, if installed, to monitor position, track wind drift, and to maintain situational awareness.